
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Cartoon – A Mean To Destroy Ethics AND Character Of Children

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

(Sameea Thakur, Saudi Arabia)

Through these cartoons it is being attempted to spread obscene ideas and tendencies in a hidden manner. It has also been observed in children who excessively watch cartoons that most of them are lazy.

 In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says: ‘O People who believe! Save yourselves and your families from the fire (of hell)’. (Al Tahrim 66.6). Every mother has numerous expectations from her children that they will grow up as a thriving person and achieve success both in this world and Akhira (afterworld). It is for the same purpose that home is the centre point for the struggle, knowledge, time and assets of most of the sisters. We strive day and night for the success in the world. To attain a schools education certificate or a degree we apply tireless hard work and efforts. Yet it cannot be surely stated that due to these efforts, we, in future will be successful in this world? A point to ponder is that whether we put in similar efforts for the eternal life, where we and our families will have to live? Whereas the success of this future has been promised by Allah Subhanhu wa Taala in the Holy Quran, which is sure. 

The Holy Prophet ﷺ said: ‘Every child is born with the religion of nature (Islam). It is his parents that makes him a Jew or a Christian.’ Keep in mind this Hadith of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and think that what destiny our children find in the world and Aakhira. Entire responsibility of this has been vested on the basic upbringing by the parents. The first question that arises is that from what age the nurturing of a child should begin? In this context consider this Hadith of The Holy Prophet ﷺ that once a Sahabi رضی ا للہ تعالیٰ عنہ requested The Holy Prophet ﷺ for guidance for upbringing of his younger son. The Holy Prophet ﷺ asked: ‘What is the age of the child?’ The Sahabi رضی ا للہ تعالیٰ عنہ said: ‘one year.’ The Holy Prophet ﷺ replied: ‘You are too late.’

Today the Psychiatrists say that the initial two years are very important for the mental growth. During these two years, 50 percent of the intelligence develops. By the time a child is 8 years old, almost 80 percent of the mental growth is completed. It means that the period of first two years of age which is generally considered as the most ignorant stage of a child’s age and after which people start getting serious about their guidance. But by that time children have already made several impressions in their minds. Hence, in the first eight years of a child’s life, we should put in our best efforts to teach them and train them. At a mature age, these efforts will show their results.

Insha Allah, the Islamic character we want to develop in our children, its basis is Allah’s words (Holy Quran). Guide the children for reciting the Holy Quran, memorizing the verses, understanding their summary and the ways to obey the orders given in the Quran. Encourage the children for Quran’s recitation and its understanding. Keep them with you, recite the verses and make them understand their meanings. Familiarize them with various perspectives of ethics and make them remember that Quran al Kareem is the guidance for entire life and hence develop a habit in them to refer to it for all circumstances and issues of life.

Newspapers and Magazines: Newspapers and magazines have a very important role in developing or distorting a mind. Develop a habit amongst children for reading of good, pleasant, informative and Islamic books and greatly encourage them for the same. A great number of fine Urdu and English books are available in which very attractive and interesting ways like colored pictures etc. have been adopted to inculcate Islamic ideology, beliefs and ethics in children. Keep them safe from literature like Harrry potter and Fairy Tales etc which distracts a mind for being obscene, anti religion, and contains baseless assumptions. If a child is attracted towards such books, then guide them amiably and try to keep him away from them. Get them books which provide food for thought and spirit.

Cartoons: Cartoons which are deemed as harmless and viewing of which is not considered as bad, have shocking and regretful findings. Walt Disney’s cartoons Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Tom & Jerry etc. amuse both children and elders. Through these cartoons it is being attempted to spread obscene ideas and tendencies in a hidden manner. It has also been observed in children who excessively watch cartoons that most of them are lazy. They develop a resistance for physical and constructive activities and at the same time a sharp decline is also seen in their studies. Similarly amongst majority of 10 year old children, sensational scenes in cartoons have proved to be a support for rise in sexual emotions. We should think and keep in mind these facts. If we allow children to watch TV programs and cartoons, even on temporary basis for our own convenience to carry out cooking and other household responsibilities, it will be a big mistake. With this attitude we are endorsing that we ourselves cannot ruin our children’s mindset, morals and character the way this TV can do.

Nowadays it is a common excuse that children should not be much pressurized. They should be given some ‘liberty’ or else when they go out and watch TV or listen comments from their friends about movies and serials etc, they feel deprived. They suffer from inferiority complex and then get attracted towards such things. Thus they should be given permission within limits to watch movies etc. at home. This approach of ours is just like thinking that we fear our children can eat poison which is easily available outdoors, so why don’t we provide them the same at home in little quantity? We should fully bear in our minds that Islam is a complete religion for all eras and circumstances. There is not even minutest need to alter it. Secondly, the flexibility and relaxation which were appropriate for us, Allah Almighty has already granted them. Now if we increase the limits of this flexibility and relaxation according to our needs, then we are ourselves responsible for its destructions. We have to make children’s minds and their characters firm and strong. So that when they see some evil outside the pure environment of home, instead of getting attracted towards it they should appreciate it as evil and save not only themselves from it, but also become a source to save others as well.

Undoubtedly, TV and internet can be used for effective purposes of education, knowledge and religion. But in this context this precaution is necessary that we allow children to use TV and internet only in our presence. Prevent the minds of children from being polluted due to adverse effects of TV etc. and you will observe that their constructive activities, sports and specially awareness about Islam can increase amazingly.

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